rhp is now an EOT! rhp is pleased to announce that we have become an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT), meaning that we are now wholly owned by all our employees. A strong collaborative culture has always been a key aspect of the way we run our...

We hope you enjoyed our Webinar on 7th October. There were lots of questions asked and in case you missed them here are the answers: 1. For staff who currently have shares or share options, they could be 'participators' and thereby excluded from being beneficiaries of...

Rumours have been circulating in the UK press about an increase in capital gain tax rates in late 2020. We consider the implications of these rumours for EOTs (Employee Ownership Trusts) and the attractive capital gains tax relief presently available for business owners. What are the rumours? TheTimes reported on 30...

We are excited about the potential for Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT). We’ve completed 40 so far covering 5,700 employees and with an aggregate value of £500 million and we have many more in the pipeline. Despite the economic challenges posed by Covid-19, we...

RM2 does the research for the Employee Ownership Top 50, a list of the largest 50 private employee-owned companies in the UK which has been prepared annually since 2014. RM2 publishes the list in a partnership with the Employee Ownership Association (EOA).Key findings:By tracking the...

Amidst ongoing anxiety unleashed by the coronavirus pandemic, concerns about the impact on the economy are increasingly driving government’s response. Is it time to start thinking about alternative business measures to help stabilise and improve the economy, and could employee ownership be part of this? The...

RM2 – COVID-19 Update It’s clear to all of us by now that these are unprecedented times. They are confusing and are shaping some businesses in a way that has never been seen before. At RM2 we are working from home and the office...

Finally, HM Revenue & Customs have decided to try to turn Entrepreneurs’ relief into a “bad” relief. Finance Bill 2020 potentially changes the name of the relief from "entrepreneurs' relief" to "business asset disposal relief" with effect from the tax year 2020-21 (i.e. 5 April 2020)....

In view of the ongoing Coronavirus crisis, please see below some practical tips and guidance for trustees of businesses owned by employee ownership trusts (EOT). Trustee duties With the expected economic chaos arising from the Coronavirus crisis it is important to recap the duties and responsibilities of...

RM2 is open for business, although we are following the guidance issued by Public Health England, which can be found using the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavi...

Entrepreneurs Relief (“ER”) and Enterprise Management Incentives Clearly, the Treasury have finally had enough of the fact that ER primarily benefited a small number of very affluent taxpayers and, according to the government, has done little to generate additional entrepreneurial activity. Accordingly, they have slashed the...

Members of the Employee Ownership Association recently attended an inspiring talk by Naomi Climer CBE, Co-Chair of the Institute for the Future of Work (IFoW) at the annual Robert Oakeshott lecture, hosted by Cass Business School. Naomi’s lecture looked at the impact of automation and AI...

RM2 are the UK’s leading adviser on employee share ownership to private companies. We install share schemes in private companies and, through our subsidiary RM2 Corporate Finance, we arrange change-of-control transactions to Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT).Corporate Finance AssociateDue to a big increase in demand, RM2...

Last year we made some predictions about share plans which, looking back, were on the whole pretty accurate. The number of Employee Ownership transactions in 2019 more than doubled from the 2018 level and is increasingly becoming a “must-consider” option for owner managers looking for...

The year in review:   Another great year for employee ownership as Employee Ownership Trusts started moving into the mainstream. For RM2, our biggest news was that we joined the increasing number of companies that are owned by their employees! January: January is trusts and estates tax returns...